Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Indian options for keeping Pakistan in check

December 31, 2008, (Sawf News) - Pakistan has unleashed a low intensity asymmetrical war on India in the form of cross border terrorism, which cannot be countered by conventional military response.
While acquiring an overwhelming military advantage over Pakistan will not stop the terror it will give us more room to shape our response to an outrage like the Mumbai terror strike. However, a military advantage will be of little help unless accompanied by a firm leadership and a resolute national resolve.
What use is a cold start strategy when the national leadership dithers during a crisis and has not premeditated its response?
It is amazing how quickly India eases its pressure on Pakistan after an outrage like the attack on parliament or the strike in Mumbai. The smallest hint of co-operation from Pakistan is enough to assuage our bruised egos. We back off knowing we haven't achieved anything, and not surprisingly, they strike again.
The UPA government is now crying hoarse that Pakistan hasn't dismantled its terror network, something they committed to do after the stand off that followed the parliament attack. So why did the UPA government initiate so many peace moves with Pakistan if it knew they were continuing to train and arm terrorists against us?
Our leadership has not acted responsibly now and in the past. Unless that can change we will continue to be at the receiving end. No amount of military superiority will help us.
India's defense spending has increased over the years but we have yet to gain a decisive edge over Pakistan because our defense purchases have not been well thought out. A large amount of funds have been squandered on DRDO projects that have yielded little results but have delayed acquisitions.
A question asked on this forum by flying eagle is:
What are the weapon systems that India should acquire to gain a decisive advantage over Pakistan?
Frankly, I don't think I am very qualified to answer the question. However, I will voice an opinion based on what I know.
1. A larger fleet of AIP submarines and nuclear powered attack submarines.2. Potent attack aircraft like F/A-18E/F Hornets.3. Investments in electronic attack aircraft like the EA-18G Growler.4. Long range surveillance aircraft like the P-8I Poseidon.
We have already made the right moves by investing in the Phalcon AWACS and tanker aircraft. We are in the process of acquiring AIP and nuclear subs, as well as the P-8I aircraft. Hopefully, the IAF will see the sense in opting for more offensive capability with a dedicated strike aircraft like F/A-18E/F Hornets. We should lean on the US to give us the Growlers.
The services are already on the right course with their acquisitions. The government just needs to back them up to the hilt. If we had the nuclear subs today, a naval blockade of Karachi would have been feasible today.
On an aside, the Eireye AWE&C while not as potent as the Phalcon will practically rule out a surprise surgical air strike against Pakistan by the IAF.
Most important of all we need to maintain military pressure on Pakistan till it starts to bleed and agrees to play ball. Our Naval presence around Karachi needs to be heavy and our patrolling in the skies needs to be aggressive, all the year around. The threat of a IAF or Navy strike should loom over Pakistan for months and if required years to come.

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